Monday, July 6, 2009

Lucky Rabbit Stew
If your moon cycle revolves around Second Saturday's Gallery Walk in the swamp, then be sure to visit the SWAMPSPACE GALLERY located in the posh Design District near the Wynwood Arts Neighborhood.
Last month's inaugural show at SWAMPSPACE was the joyous birth pains of a new gallery. "what is swampy" was a resounding flub, so without reservations here is the announcement for our next show.
Swampspace is please to present the very seductive Sobe Girl Claudia Guerreiro.

paintings by Claudia Guerreiro
A search for woman painters reveals a wealth of enlightenment for both sexes. We all benefit when women shape an art-world of their own. It's obvious to find names like, Louise Bourgeois and Louise Nevelson; two masters of illusion with craft. Then we gaze at Georgia O'Keeffe and Tamara de Lempicka; two masters of seduction with style. And who doesn't get the ripe obsessions of Helen Frankenthaler and Frida Kahlo; two masters of their unknown desires so well delivered in the poetry of Anais Nin.
But with no explanation it is Egon Scheile and Barbara Kruger that come to mind when enjoying the paintings of young Claudia. Naturally, your personal moment with Guerreiro's paintings may be very different.

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