" Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free"
Emma Lazarus
Are you one of the hundreds of artists or 501Cs whose ideas have been rejected and denied funding by philanthropic behemoths nationwide?
Not ready for prime-time? No Problem.
Congratulations to all for there is now a place where your ideas can be shared with other losers whose bad luck has trumped their talent.
It's OFFICIAL Swampspace Gallery announces:
The Swampspace Arts Challenge 2011.
Here is how it works:
When you submit your ideas to any competition nationwide,
you can also copy/paste them in the comments box right here at this Swampspace post.
We will publish all submissions in the hopes of garnering popular support for your idea by way of reader feedback.
What you need to know:
If you are 50 years of age or older, you will be treated like a very impotent person by sheer nature of your protracted suffering for arts sake. If you are between 29 and 49, you will be considered an emerged artist and held to public scrutiny.
All other entrants are also welcome in our effort to build an anthropological repository via this casual survey of individuals in the Miami Arts Movement .
Our mission:
Swampspace Gallery exists to encourage individual participation in the advancement of the contemporary art by maintaining a visible presence in prime real-estate. Swampspace is a non-commercial entity dedicated to the dissemination of empowering principals for unrecognized artists seeking solace.
No idea is too small or defeat too big... so your comments at swampspace are a welcome treat.
The caviat:
Just as with the FB decency policy, we will not include really, truly offensive material.
Congrats to YOU,
everyone is a winner at swampspace.